Friday, March 11, 2005

Does there have to be a reason?

I am a proponent of wordy explanations but there are some times when a simple and definitive answer should be taken at face value and not questioned.

Children often ask "Daddy, what would happen if I were to poke my tongue in the electrical outlet?" wherupon daddy will reply "You'll die a horrible and painful death son". This should be enough of an answer and should be heeded by all small boys.

When a programmer asks "Can I store the Graphics object?" the answer is "No!". This is one of those definitive answers that is usually questioned but which always ends up being "No!" however many times or in however many different ways it's asked.

Just to recap....

Do not store the Graphics object. Do not store it in a local variable, a static variable, a shared variable, an object, a structure or a database. Do not put it in an envelope and post it to your aunt, do not draw a picture of it, do not photocopy it, do not have Monet make a painting of it.
Do not put it in your pocket for later, do not hash encode it and e-mail it to the CIA, do not put it on a Post-it note and stick it to your screen, do not grind it into powder and sniff it up your nose with the other stuff you just had. In short....


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