Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Linq to Entities. The full horror...

I have a pal who I respect. He's a consultant for Microsoft France who told me that it'd be a great idea to use Linq to Entities rather than Linq to Sql. Why? Well, because Linq to Entities is the official way of the future and it seems silly to have two highly similar implementations of the same thing so Linq to SQL was going away.

As it turns out, This might be great long term advice but IMHO right now. If you want a solution that works. Go with Linq to SQL. The offer is more mature and the clincher is that the Entities DLL's have a major fault inasmuch as they have been compiled without the attribute that enables them to run in medium trust environments so, GoDaddy for one will not allow these DLL's on their servers.

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