Thursday, February 02, 2012

I am the proud owner of a Macbook Air

Its sooo thin!!! I'm just installing Windows 7 and Visual Studio in a VirtualBox VM ready for Techdays Paris next week.

I'm rather hoping that putting the apple devtools, mono, monotouch and monodroid as well as VS and WP7 SDKs wont overload it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Stanley Glass said...

Congrats Bob. You should look into Parallels for the Mac to load Windows into. I find that it runs better (meaning uses less resources) and they have a Coherence mode which hides the windows desktop and makes your apps run like they are on the mac desktop. Makes it like you get the best of both worlds without having to go from one system to another (even in a window)

Bob Powell said...

Hi Stanley,
Thanks for this info. I'm a bit of a mac newbie inasmuch as I have a Mac Mini that I bought a few years ago to do iPhone development on but this is the first time I've even considered having a Mac as a front-line computing solution. Looking at Parallels it certainly seems to be a good alternative to the virtual machine but an advantage of VM's that I discovered was that if I want to I can copy the entire VM disk file and transport it bodily to another machine. For example, I have a VirtualBox VM created on a PC that I copied to the Mac and it runs fine there.
Anyway, I think Parallels may still a good option for certain tasks. I'll give it a free-trial spin!