Saturday, December 27, 2008

Embed a silverlight control into an ASP.Net page

I have been working on a Silverlight banner control for one of my web-sites and had run up against a wall regarding just how to best embed a simple silverlight application or control into a web page on a site created in ASP.Net. To me this seems like one of the most fundamental questions one could ask about Silverlight but, after much searching and many confusing answers that all seem to relate to the beta versions of Silverlight, I eventually discovered how to do this on my own, more or less by trial and error.

I have produced a video using Camtasia that shows how to achieve the task in what seems to be the simplest manner. I hope you like it.

Incidentally, One of my clients is a company that has me creating educational video content for their development teams. I don't have quite the same equipment as they have, a studio and dedicated engineers, but I think that I will do more of these.

To see the video, just follow this link...

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