Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The joy of Secs.

I just had a short Twitter Conversation with Charles Arthur of The Guardian in which he complains of having to field calls from people who want to promote their sites and apps. The fact that he gets such requests is no particular surprise as his presence as a technical editor for a well respected paper and his involvement with podcasts in the tech domain is well know. What surprises me is that someone with such a profile has an easily accessible telephone number and no-one to field his calls.

When I was director of Rogue Wave Software in the US for a while, the customer base got to be rather large and I had to have someone field calls for me because my habit of answering personally began to eat significantly into my day. I imagine that anyone who is known for presenting insightful opinions to a global audience will get a vast number of distractions even if its just a tiny percentage of the audience who pluck up courage to call. The evidence of this is clearly seen in his <grrr> posting on Twitter.

My advice to Charles is to move to another desk, change phone number and have someone grab the phone before he is even aware that it rang. The world is too small and communications too immediate to expect a moments peace. It will only get worse.

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