Friday, July 06, 2012

Paranormal activity on the increase. 400% rise!

Hello and welcome to my little experiment. Have you arrived at my blog because you searched for paranormal activity? Well, thanks so much for coming and helping to prove that the world is a strange place because it has folks like you in it.
A few days ago I posted a little tongue-in-cheek post about mermaids that was a response to the number of, well, lets tell it like it is shall we? IDIOTS who called into marine scientific institutes, the offices of the Discovery Channel and other places because the aforementioned TV channel had made a spoof documentary suggesting the existence of those mythical beasts.
The thing that surprised me most of all was that my hits on my blog went soaring through the roof and I decided to attempt a little experiment to see whether another headline would draw even more, well, lets say it again shall we? IDIOTS- to read what was posted.

Anyone who reads my blog on any sort of regular basis, and there are a few, will know that my tolerance for things unscientific is slightly less than zero and the mere mention of anything that might be construed as nonsense mumbo-jumbo promulgated by, well, lets.... you get the picture... brings a shudder to my spine in the same way that a slug sandwich might.

If you are indeed an idiot. Please leave this blog by clicking on the image shown to the right of this text ->

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