Sunday, January 04, 2009

Silverlight frustration

This holiday I decided to join the horde of silverlight and WPF bloggers and article authors because I thought that the technology is sufficiently mature to at last allow serious work to be undertaken using them as a medium. As a result my development site on my PC with some examples of animated Silverlight banners and such. As I mentioned before, I have experienced a certain amount of frustration at the lack of currently valid material, especially for Silverlight, so I have written a little application that serves a similar purpose to good old reflector but with a twist

The application, which I call XmplXaml, uses reflection to discover the properties of an object and provides a simplified view of the various collections and the types they can contain. So, rather than a class hierarchy you can see the Xaml hierarchy of tags. Running this application on PathGeometry for example, gives a rather nice view of the different PathSegments we can use and their relation to the root object.

So, now to the contunuing frustration part.. My site is hosted on Brinkster and has been for many years now. I uploaded my new applications only to find that they haven't enabled silverlight on their servers. AARRGGHH!

I will either have to rename all the XAML files to XML, a soloution I am not happy with because I like the idea of doing everything directly from Visual Studio, or to get my old pal Jared over at Brinkster to have his team set up the silverlight MIME types properly. Failing that, I'll have to move my site to a server that supports them. That would be a shame because I like the Brinkster setup.

Here's a little screen-shot of my utility to be going on with...

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