Sunday, January 04, 2009

Silverlight fulfilment!

Well, you can see the difference in times between these two posts. That's how long it took Don at Brinkster to get my IIS all configured for Silverlight. [Well, this isn't actually true because I made a draft of the previous post from my iPhone this morning and finished it up a few minutes ago. Don took precisely 6 minutes and 20 seconds to fix my site]

I must say that Brinkster have really made leaps and bounds on the quality of their hosting and particularly their support.

I use GoDaddy for some of my sites because, well, let's face it, they're cheap and cheerful but for all my mission critical stuff I use Brinkster. Even though it costs just a little bit more it's worth the money for the level of support that these guys give.

You can see the new silverlight XmplXaml page by following the link..

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