Monday, August 06, 2012

God doesn't exist? so make one!

Throughout history, science has done a better and better job of disproving the existence of god by demonstrating that the universe is built on understandable rules that we can master. Scientists gradually explain god away as all the mysteries of the universe become clear and unambiguously explained by scientific method.

When all is said and done, the people who claim that god has answered their prayers are subject to the same statistical rules of chance as atheists. Ergo, beleiving is exactly the same as not beleiving.

It seems strange then, that as we progress in our understanding of the universe, we become more likely to be able to create such a being. Knowledge and intelligence on an almost infinite scale is potentially within the purview of computers that we can develop in the future, especially when a self modifying artificial intelligence is created. Such a machine could come to a complete understanding of physics, enabling teleportation and manipulation of objects at a subatomic level.

Construction of physical objects from the particles found in the quantum foam would be a doddle to such an intelligence and with that power, turning the entire universe into computer memory, scanning in every living being in that universe and running the whole lot as the omnipotent and omnipresent supervisor of the whole thing will be a mere logical step.

The moral of this story is that if you have faith and want a god, put that on the back burner for a while, apply yourself wholeheartedly to science and you'll get exactly what you want, guaranteed.

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