Sunday, September 30, 2012

AdMob, a painless experience

I have a couple of android apps in the Play store at the moment. I am offering them for free because they are essentially something I wrote for myself and a way of testing the process of generating apps and managing the full life-cycle without having to do it on someone-else's code. I went through three iterations very quickly, with a first draft that had working features but a few niggly problems. A second draft that got rid of the errors thanks to Google's superb crash reporting scheme that helped me identify real bugs very quickly and trace them down to the line of code where the failure occurred. Finally, as an experiment I decided to add advertising support to the system with a view to using it in later applications.

AdMob was easy to set up, easy to integrate and has begun generating a (very) modest revenue even though the applications only went up with AdMob on board this afternoon.

My iPhone version of the app is almost complete, I sidetracked to complete the Ad support for the original and so now its full steam ahead for the iPhone version in a few days. All I need to do is re-instate my Apple developer status which I allowed to lapse a few months ago.

After this app, I will be full steam ahead for the Windows Phone version but I see that as more of a one-day job because I know pretty much all I need to about the platform and so there will be no discovery phase for me on that one.

All in all a very smooth experience!

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