Thursday, December 08, 2011

AI class Homework 8

For the first time in this class, I have resorted to writing software to assist me in the completion of a homework task. Interestingly, this was something I would have done normally, but unfortunately a machine failure early in the class made me do things in a much more hands-on manner.

This is not to say that I have completely given up writing software. Indeed, much of what I have learned has been incorporated into a project upon which I am working which is specifically designed to make the construction of databound formulae far easier.

Unfortunately, my system is not nearly finished enough to enable me to use it on a day to day basis but I'm hoping there in the fullness of time the code which comes from my experience during this class will become available to a wider public.

As you know, I am passionately keen on the principles of databinding and so I am trying to build a system that uses these principles at a fundamental level to provide a very competent product which will be available shortly.

With only a couple of weeks left I am very much aware that the homework assignments available begin to count more and more towards the final score. Hopefully, I can dedicate as much time as possible to ensuring that I complete these last few homework tasks to the best of my abilities.

Its funny, I don't think I have been inspired about any single subject so much for many years. It's a testament to the skill of the Stanford team who have made his first foray into mass education on a scale never before seen on earth possible.

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