Tuesday, November 01, 2011

AI class. Light dawns..

When I was a little kid I hated math because I couldn't see a use for it. My grandfather, who was an expert toolmaker, began teaching me trigonometry when I was seven or eight and in those days we used a slide rule to do the calculations. The great thing about slide rules is that they give one a sense of accuracy given a magnitude.
Later, when I became interested in computers, I wrote programs that used little math until I became friendly with a chap who showed me that even seemingly simple problems can benefit from some clever mathematical shortcuts.
Later still, I became interested in 3D graphics and wrote a rather cool, even if I do say so myself, 3D modeling program to generate the scene lists for Polyray and POV ray-tracers. I admit that i worked too hard on that problem and although I succeeded, the path was painful and full of nasty kludges.
Now I am taking the Stanford AI class and Doc Sebastian is introducing me to a lot of math I have never needed or even thought I might need one day. I will admit I'm finding it hard and I wish that I had spent more time discovering the math when my brain was young and fresh.
All that being said however, I'm finding this course a really interesting and enjoyable challenge. I have been frustrated from time to time but as I go through it I find myself understanding it more and more and really enjoying the course content.
My poor old neurons are getting a good workout but its definitely fun fun fun!!!

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