Tuesday, November 22, 2011

AI class midterm

Just got my scores for the AI class midterm exam. Well. I'm not pleased with myself because I feel that I put in a lot of effort for a 59% score on the exam. I attempted all of the questions but I missed out on some stuff that I feel I should have been able to get right.

I didn't realise when I started out that I would become so invested in the class but the work put in by the professors and particularly the attitude of Sebastian Thrun whose cheery and encouraging videos show that he is teaching a subject for which he has enormous passion. That makes for a great teacher.

I suppose that I have suffered from the bad luck of having my PC go totally haywire in the last week and being forced to spend a couple of days rebuilding and reinstalling all my stuff again. Still, I blame no one but myself for my mediochre score.

Bob Powell must do better.....


Bob Powell said...

Just a quick PS... Because of the situation with my PC I was installing Visual Studio at the same time as taking the exam. I got the 59% doing all the math by hand and using no actual programming to get the answers. Looking at the other participants who attest to having used algorithms from here and there I feel a little better about my score even though it's still depressing...

Yann Schwartz said...

Agreed, Thrun seems genuinely enthusiastic about the material (even if according to him each new chapter is usually his absolute favorite subject in AI) while Norvig is more aloof, but with a dry humor that shows from time to time. I'm surprised at myself I've managed to keep on AI and ML so far. Only one month to go now!

I must confess I used Octave stuff learned in the ML class to do the linear regression question on the midterm...

Bob Powell said...

he he I did the Linear Regression problem by hand. Got it right too...:-)

Bob Powell said...

Screwed up the A* question